The evolution of drone mapping is here.
Process, analyze, and share your geospatial data from the cloud.
We simplify your projects, ensuring accuracy and productivity of your data in one place.
Our platform Makes the Difference
From cloud photogrammetric processing to advanced geospatial data analysis, we optimize your team collaboration.
Let cloud photogrammetry work for you: turn days of work into just hours.
Automate your processing and turn your aerial images into professional results such as:
- Orthomosaics
- DSM and DTM
- Contour lines
- Point clouds
- Textured 3D mesh
- Photogrammetric processing report
Do you need centimeter-level accuracy?
We are compatible with RTK, PPK systems and ground control points.
Now that you have your mapping, elevate the power of your data.
Transform your geospatial data into informed decisions with our advanced analytics tools.
Do you have any findings that need highlighting?
Easily create and organize annotations:
- Locate a finding.
- Identify what your finding is.
- Measure the magnitude of the finding.
Measure accurately, decide confidently.
Your annotations, polygons, lines, or markers provide a series of precise and easy-to-interpret measurements.
- Volumetric measurements obtained from DSM or DTM.
- Plot terrain surfaces and slopes with elevation profiles.
- Measure angles such as azimuth, heights, and distances.
Enhance your data with timeline comparisons.
Your data gains greater value when compared over time:
- Visualize the progress of your project in real time.
- Compare events from different dates on one screen, with your annotations and measurements.
Maximize your productivity by sharing your results.
Create and share your reports, and connect in real-time with your team, external consultants, and clients using our control dashboard.
More productivity, fewer reprocesses with centralized information in one place:
- Generate reports of findings and inventories.
- Share your reports via links.
- Virtual inspections and supervision from your office
- Chronological project analysis and control.
- Easily integrable through our API with programs like ArcGIS or others.
Security for your data and priority support.
We protect your information with our security solutions, including end-to-end encryption and storage redundancy.
Additionally, with our specialized technical support, you'll receive fast and efficient assistance at all times.
- Email, chat, and coordinated calls with experts.
- Customized training and support according to your plan.
- Bilingual support in English and Spanish.